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Semenax Vs Volume Pills: Which is better?

Most men will agree that nothing can shake their confidence, like unsatisfactory orgasms or a lackluster ejaculation volume. While this problem is most common among the older generation, younger men may experience it too. Are you one of the many looking for harder erections to get your sex life back on track?

If so, semen enhancement products will have you covered. Not only are these healthy and safe, but they can take your sexual performance to the next level! That said, with so many sperm enhancement pills in the market, finding one that works can be a challenge.

Well, to simplify things for you, our semenax vs volume pills article covers two of the most popular options, Semenax and Volume Pills. Here is a little spoiler before we get into it: Seminax is the best, and our review will tell you why!

Semenax Vs Volume Pills

We have covered the actual facts about the 2 tablets below point by point to pick the top one!

Volume Pills: In A Nutshell

volume pills
Volume Pills

Volume Pills, a product of Leading Edge Health, is a natural supplement with proven results to its name. The highly effective pill results in increased semen production and ejaculation alike. If that isn’t enough, these pills promise men bigger erections that will leave their partner reeling in bed.

The reason behind the efficiency of Volume Pills is its ingredients. Zinc oxide in this male enhancement pill boosts testosterone levels and semen production. Along with this, it contains Curculigo extract that gives men a higher sex drive. With Volume Pills, you can also expect harder erections. The Japanese tinder fungus and the sea oak extract in them increase the blood flow to your penis.

Don’t miss reading my unbiased Volume Pills Review.

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Ultimately, all the benefits of Volume Pills lead to one result: more intense and pleasurable orgasms. If you want to increase seminal fluid levels and semen count, Volume Pills will not let you down. Since these supplements use only natural ingredients, you need not be wary of potential side effects. If you do find the pills to be disappointing, you can avail of the manufacturer’s 67-day money-back guarantee.

Semenax: In A Nutshell

Semenax Supplement Image
Semenax SupplementBox

Semenax is a product of the same company as Volume Pills. So considering how well Volume Pills work, it is no wonder that Semenax holds its own too. However, these pills have a peculiar formula, due to which many men find more success with them over Volume Pills.

These male enhancement supplements are a quality amalgam of amino acids and herb concentrates from China, South America, and Europe. All of which are ingredients that play a vital role in enriching sexual function and health. This semen enhancer also contains Muira Puama, an essential nutrient that helps increase semen volume.

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So whether you want to increase semen or experience leg-shaking orgasms, Semenax will come to your rescue. A bottle of Semenax will provide you enough pills for a one month supply. However, you can expect to see a quantum leap in your sex life much sooner than that. While unlikely, you can opt for the 67-day money-back guarantee with Semenax if you feel less than happy.

Ingredients: What Makes Semenax Better?

Whether you want to boost testosterone levels, increase semen volume, or improve ejaculation, you cannot go wrong with taking Semenax. So here is your insight into the magic recipe of Semenax that makes it the reliable choice for men around the world.

  • Swedish Flower: Swedish Flower is a natural extract that promotes optimum prostate gland capacity. It does so by eradicating toxic cholesterol buildups in your body and reducing blood plasma lipid levels.
  • L-Arginine HCL: Falling in the category of amino acids, L-Arginine HCL serves to increase nitric oxide production in the body. Significant amounts of nitric oxide help maintain a high level of blood flow. So, in essence, L-Arginine ensures your arousal not only lasts longer but is also thicker and fuller.
  • L-Lysine: Similar to L-Arginine, L-Lysine is an amino acid in Semenax. According to scientific research, this compound causes an increase in the blood flow to your penis for harder erections.
  • L-Carnitine: Besides Muira Puama, L-Carnitine, a protein derivative also boosts testosterone levels and its production. Not to mention, it can also increase the sexual function of the male reproductive organ.
  • Epimedium Sagittatum: Among Asian countries, Epimedium Sagittatum goes by the name Horny Goat Weed. An aphrodisiac with high potency, the Leaf can increase the blood flow to a man’s shaft.
  • Other Vital Ingredients: Semenax also contains several other natural nutrients that promote sexual health and improve sperm count. These include Vitamin E, Tribulus Terrestris, maca root, Avina Sativa extract, and much more!

The Benefits Of Taking Semenax

One of the most notable features of Semenax is that this male enhancement supplement has an entirely natural formula. Besides tackling and solving a variety of sexual performance issues in men, these pills work fast.

If you take these pills regularly, you are sure to see fruitful results within just a few days. The natural ingredients in these pills mean you can take them for however long you need without side effects! For your satisfaction, let’s take a deeper look at the plethora of benefits Semenax holds.

Increased Sperm Count: Semenax is brimming with natural ingredients that help increase semen volume. What’s more, they can even speed up the process of semen production in the testicles and boost the ejaculation volume.

Longer Orgasms: The core feature of this supplement lies in its capacity to increase the length of arousal stages. Not to mention, it uses only natural ingredients to do so. In essence, your vital organ receives only essential nutrients and no unnatural chemical compounds.

Intensified Pleasure: Over several years, the natural components in Semenax have played a significant role in boosting sex lives. So suffice to say, inciting intense carnal appetite and sexual gratification is well within their capabilities.

Long-Term Use: Contrary to chemical supplements, the best thing about using Semenax you get results without the fear of side effects. Besides being entirely natural, these pills also do not lead to addictions. In simple terms, even if you take Semenax for years, it will not be detrimental to your system.

Semenax vs Volume Pills: A Quick Comparison

Since these supplements have an impact on your sex life, you want the best of the best. To make things simpler for you, here is how the two products stack up against each other.

Results And Success Rate

Volume Pills and Semenax are both efficient products. So regardless of which you use, rest assured you will see results within a few weeks. However, in terms of success rate, Semenax trumps Volume Pills. Due to its unique composition, more men seem to find Semenax helpful even if the Volume Pills fail them.


Both products have all-natural ingredients, so side effects are a concern with neither one. You may even find a few similar components between them like Tribulus Terrestris and zinc oxide. That said, the ingredients that makeup Semenax seem to be more efficient for a varied group of men.


When it comes to price, Semenax beats its competitor fair and square. The lower-priced one, Semenax promises to increase your semen volume and cost-effectively improve sperm production. Both products come with a similar money-back guarantee for dissatisfied customers.

Medication Period Requirements

Volume Pills require that you avoid sex and masturbation for a period of seven days when you start the dosage. With Semenax, there are no such requirements, so your sexual activities can continue as usual.

Semenax FAQs

In this section, we will answer any additional questions you might have about Semenax. By the end of this, you should be ready to indulge in this supplement for the best sexual performance ever!

What is the dosage?

One bottle of Semenax has 120 pills, enough for a one month supply. For the daily dose, the advice is to take four capsules per day. So you should take two in the morning and two at night.

How long should the dosage last?

You can take Semenax for however long you want! For best results, you should keep up the dosage for at least one to 3 months. Whether you continue or not is entirely up to you once 3 months are over.

When should I avoid Semenax?

Since all the ingredients in this supplement are natural, there is no real cause for concern. That said, if you are on medication or have had some form of surgery, it is best to consult with a doctor. Also, be sure to check the ingredients listed to be sure you are not allergic to any.

Wrap Up

There you have it, an entire review on how Semenax can help you and why it is the best! Count on this all-natural supplement to increase semen volume, enhance libido, boost ejaculation, and more! For an overall better sexual life, Semenax is your saving grace.

Also, let’s not forget that it does all this without causing the slightest of side effects. While Volume Pills are still an efficient product, they fall behind in terms of success rate. However, Semenax guarantees that you can increase your semen volume by at least 70%!

For men ready to make their sexual fantasies come true, Semenax is the supplement that will help them do so!

Visit semenax.com

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About the Author


Nutritionist & Blogger, Passionate about writing health related articles. Read more about her.

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