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Garbanzo Beans Nutrition Facts

When it comes to healthy eating, garbanzo beans have long been a staple. Known for their nutty flavor and creamy texture, they are incredibly versatile in the kitchen. But beyond being an excellent source of plant-based protein, did you know that garbanzo beans offer numerous health benefits? As a nutritionist, I’m here to tell you why these little legumes should be part of your daily diet!

First off, let’s talk about the nutritional value of garbanzo beans. Packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – this is one food that covers all the bases when it comes to essential nutrients. Not only do they help keep us regular but they also provide energy without spiking blood sugar levels like some other carbohydrates can do. Plus, thanks to their high folate content, garbanzo beans can play an important role in helping pregnant women get enough of this essential nutrient during gestation.

Last but not least, there’s no denying that garbanzo beans are great for our overall well-being too. Studies have shown that consuming them regularly may reduce inflammation and improve gut health which can lead to better digestion and even weight management over time. So if you’re looking for a delicious way to add more nutrition into your meal plan – look no further than these amazing legumes!

Garbanzo Beans Nutrition Facts Chart per 100 gms

Protein19 g
Carbohydrates61 g
Fiber17 g
Sugar10 g
Fat6 g
Saturated Fat0.6 g
Monounsaturated Fat1.2 g
Polyunsaturated Fat2.7 g
Omega-3 fatty acids0.2 g
Omega-6 fatty acids2.5 g
Vitamin A1 IU
Vitamin C4 mg
Vitamin D0 IU
Vitamin E0.4 mg
Vitamin K9 μg
Thiamin (B1)0.5 mg
Riboflavin (B2)0.2 mg
Niacin (B3)1.0 mg
Vitamin B60.3 mg
Folate (B9)172 μg
Vitamin B120 μg
Pantothenic acid (B5)0.6 mg
Choline57.4 mg
Calcium49 mg
Iron6.2 mg
Magnesium48 mg
Phosphorus168 mg
Potassium875 mg
Sodium24 mg
Zinc2.5 mg
Copper0.8 mg
Manganese1.7 mg
Selenium4.8 μg

What Is A Garbanzo Beans?

Garbanzo beans are a nutritional powerhouse that you need to try! They’re absolutely amazing and offer an incredible range of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. I’m here to tell you all about the nutrition facts of garbanzo beans so your body can benefit from their goodness.

Let’s start with calories in garbanzo beans.

  • One cup provides 269 calories which is just enough energy for a meal or snack without feeling overstuffed.
  • The same serving also gives 14g of protein, making it a great choice when trying to build muscle mass.
  • Not only this but there’s 12g of dietary fiber too – vital if you want to keep your gut healthy.

Fiber in garbanzo beans helps digestion by aiding the absorption of important minerals like iron and magnesium while providing essential prebiotic qualities that help beneficial bacteria grow. Protein in garbanzo beans is an excellent source of amino acids, key components needed for tissue repair and growth throughout our bodies – particularly after physical activity.

In short, these humble little legumes have plenty to offer us nutritionally speaking! From helping maintain regularity and provide extra energy, to giving us essential proteins for building strength and repairing muscles – adding some garbanzo beans into your diet could be life-changing!

Health Benefits Of Eating Garbanzo Beans

Garbanzo beans are like a superfood for your body, providing an abundance of nutrients that can help support health and well-being. As a nutritionist, I’m always excited to see what these little legumes have to offer! Eating garbanzo beans offers many health benefits including carbohydrates, fiber, and fat – all important components of any balanced diet.

When it comes to carbohydrates in garbanzo beans, they provide complex carbs which means they break down slowly into glucose helping you feel fuller longer. This helps promote better blood sugar control as opposed to refined carbs found in baked goods or white breads which cause a rapid increase in blood sugars followed by a crash. In addition, the high fiber content in garbanzo beans aids digestion and helps keep you regular while also contributing to feeling full longer.

Garbanzo beans are also low fat with only 1g per serving making them perfect for those trying to maintain healthy cholesterol levels or lose weight on a heart-healthy plan. The unsaturated fats contribute essential fatty acids needed for cell maintenance and overall good health. Lastly, unlike other plant proteins such as soybeans or quinoa, garbanzos don’t contain phytic acid – so their minerals (like iron) aren’t bound up and unusable by our bodies. Enjoying this food is one way to ensure adequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals!

In short, adding garbanzo beans into your diet can be an excellent choice when looking for nutrient dense foods that will not only fill you up but fuel your body with key components required for optimal wellness.

Garbanzo Beans Nutrition Facts

Consuming garbanzo beans is as nourishing to your body as it is delicious. Like a nutrient-dense superfood, they offer up an abundance of vitamins and minerals that can help you stay healthy and energized. Let’s dive into the nutrition facts of these legumes so you can make informed decisions about what to add to your plate!

Garbanzo beans are naturally low in fat and calories while providing protein, fiber, folate, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc and thiamine. They also contain trace amounts of other essential nutrients such as calcium and vitamin B6. Eating garbanzo beans on a regular basis may promote weight loss due to their high dietary fiber content which helps fill you up faster and for longer periods of time. Additionally, their ample amount of essential vitamins and minerals increases energy levels by providing key micronutrients required for normal functioning of cells throughout the body.

The health benefits associated with eating garbanzo beans don’t stop there either – studies have shown they may reduce inflammation in the gut lining by reducing intestinal permeability which can improve digestive issues like leaky gut syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Not only this but consuming them regularly has been linked to potentially decreasing the risk factors associated with chronic diseases like diabetes mellitus type 2 or cardiovascular disease too.

In short, adding garbanzo beans to your diet may be one way to incorporate more essential nutrients into your meals without having to sacrifice taste or texture. Whether its cooked in soups stews or eaten cold atop salads or hummus dip – incorporating these flavorful legumes could give both your palate and well being a boost!

Calories In Garbanzo Beans

Curious about the caloric content of garbanzo beans? Craving for clarity on their nutritional value? I’m here to help! As a nutritionist, let me provide you with a comprehensive break-down of calories in garbanzo beans.

Firstly, let’s start by acknowledging that these legumes are an excellent source of nutrients and beneficial plant compounds.

  • A single cup serving of cooked chickpeas (garbanzo beans) contains 269 calories along with 45 grams of carbohydrates, 14.5 grams of dietary fiber and 15 grams of protein.

Adding to this is a wealth of essential vitamins and minerals such as folate, iron and manganese.

Furthermore, the high fiber content found in garbanzo beans may aid digestion while promoting satiety or fullness after meals. Not only can they contribute to weight management but also reduce cholesterol levels due to their rich sources of both soluble and insoluble fibers. Additionally, research has suggested that consuming foods like garbanzo beans might even lower your risk for certain chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

From its impressive nutrient profile to its potential health benefits, it’s clear that incorporating more garbanzo beans into one’s diet can be a smart choice indeed – so why not make them part of yours today?


Eating garbanzo beans can be a great way to add nutrition and flavor to your diet. Packed with protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants – the humble garbanzo bean is truly one of nature’s superfoods!

So if you’re looking to boost your health without sacrificing taste then look no further than the amazing garbanzo bean! One cup provides 15 grams of protein along with plenty of other essential nutrients so it’s easy to see why this legume has become such an integral part of diets around the world. Whether eaten alone or combined with other ingredients, adding garbanzo beans into your meals will provide powerful nutritional benefits for your body!

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About the Author


Nutritionist & Blogger, Passionate about writing health related articles. Read more about her.

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