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How to Stay Erect When Nervous?

Imagine you are in the first night in your bedroom you will, and you will tense at the same time you might think how to stay erect when nervous.

You might control your nervousness by taking a deep breath because the only thing you think is about your wife, with whom you are going to spend the whole night.

Although you are nervous, the only reason you want to stay erect is that you don’t want to

  • Get ashamed by not proving you are a real man
  • You want to have sex with your wife
  • You think that she might think you are impotent.

These are some of the things that will be running in your mind at the time and no one wants it too.

Man wearing white shirt and black tie holding paper in two hands thinking about how to stay erect when nervous
Nervous man

Below you will get some easy male performance anxiety solutions to reduce stress and anxiety.

What happens when you’re nervous?

Being nervous in the first night is a common thing and 90% of men who don’t have sex in the past have nervous problems because they have anxiety and fear due to the uncomfortable situation.

When you are nervous, your body produces adrenaline to deal with the situation and stress hormone being released which increases the heart rate, blood pressure which will decrease the flow of blood to the penis.

To get harder erection your blood must be actively flow to the penis, but due to stress hormone release from the brain you will get temporary erectile dysfunction problem.

How to Stay Erect When Nervous Instantly?

There are many ways to overcome nervousness before you make love with your partner. When you do things which I am going to say here, you will overcome nervousness and stay positive.

Stimulate Vagus Nerve

Vagus nerve system plays a major role in controlling hear rate, stress, anxiety and depression. The vagus nerve is connected to your vocal cards in order to stimulate it you need to do things like singing, chanting, gargling and humming.

The Gagging Technique

Take the toothbrush and gag it on the both sides of your throat. This may look funny but it actually works. Men who did this got stronger and everlasting erections to satisfy their partner on the bed.

The Mindset

“Your thought becomes reality” Go with the mindset that I am going to get harder erection and make love with my partner. When you have this positive mindset, your brain produces hormones that will boost your testosterone level and increase blood flow to the penis that will result in instant erection.

Talk to your partner

This is the first I advise I give everyone and unfortunately 60% if men won’t do it due to their shyness. On the night, if you talk to your partner about your situation, she will understand it and that may ease your worries and that will reduce your stress and anxiety.

Get Nap before the night

This idea might think stupid but many people who did it get the result. Getting a minimum of 30 minutes before the first night will reduce your anxiety and completely reduce your erection problem. Actually after getting the nap your muscle gets relaxed, and you will feel calm which will result in long-lasting erection.

Talk to someone

Sometimes it’s helpful to talk about our feelings with someone else who understands them better than we do. A friend, therapist, or family member could be a great resource for dealing with anxiety in business contexts.

Stay positive

It’s important to maintain a positive attitude throughout the entire process. If you can remain optimistic and realistic at the same time, you’ll be much less likely to get overwhelmed by anxiety.


When you’re feeling anxious, taking some deep breaths can help calm your nerves and clear your head. You can also try progressive muscle relaxation or visualizing calming images or sounds.

If the above tips won’t help, what to do?

If you are someone who actually faced the same situation and not able to keep the erection after trying the above tips means then there is only one method that actually works.

Its erection supplement is made with 100% natural ingredients with no side effects. I have found one supplement that is much better than Viagra and with no side effects.

It will help you to stay erect when nervous, and it’s an Erectin supplement from the makers of Vigrx Plus pills.


Erectin is the unique clinically proven formula and endorsed by Dr. Dave Wood, a world renowned surgeon who has appeared on many TV talk shows like The Jenny Jones Show and NBC’s alive show.

The erectin pill is clinically proven to increase erection hardness, enhance libido and the ability to last longer in the bed.

Some features of erectin

  • Increase Nitric oxide production
  • It’s in the form of gel caps to rapidly release the liquid after swallowing it.
  • Increase sex drive by 50%

How long can the average man stay erect?

It depends on their age, food habit, medical condition. However, according to the studies, an average man can typically stay erect for about six to eight minutes.

Another study by the Journal of Sexual medicine found that an average man faces ED after their 50th birthday, and they can’t achieve faster erection.

  • 20 – 30 age men erect for six to eight minutes
  • 31 – 40 age men erect for 3 to 5 minutes
  • 41 – 45 age men erect for 2 to 5 minutes
  • Above 50+ they hardly get erect for 1 to 2 minutes

Additionally, men who are overweight or have high blood pressure may experience erectile problems earlier than those who are following healthy diets and doing regular exercises.

If you search on the internet that “how long can average man stay erect” you will see many videos on YouTube saying you can erect from 30 times to 1 hour if you do this exercise daily.

But seriously those are fake and average man with healthy diet and physical structure can erect up to a maximum of 12 minutes.

But if you take Viagra then you can last up to 2 – 3 hours but know that there will be huge side effects.


I am sure you got the answer for “how to stay erect when nervous” and I hope you have realized that there is no easy way to stay erect when you’re nervous.

However, if you follow my steps that I mentioned above, you will find Male performance anxiety solutions to keep your erection to satisfy your partner when making love.

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About the Author

Hunter Handsfield

A health advisor and sexual health therapist & researcher from South Dakota, USA

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