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Prosolution Plus Review: Does this Pill Really Work?

My ProSolution Plus review.

If you’re reading this right now, the chances are that you’ve recently come face to face with something that men across the world fear most, something that keeps them up at night (or should I say, doesn’t), something that is the source of a great deal of embarrassment and disappointment that men face in bed, something that all of us wish would never happen to us, premature ejaculation.

God. Just the sheer thought of it is enough to give me goosebumps. If you’ve dealt with this problem recently or are facing some other issues in bed like the inability to get or maintain strong erections, a dulled down libido, etc., that is weighting down on your performance in bed, you’ve come to the right place.

Having personally gone through such problems in bed, I know how difficult it can be for men like you and me to have such problems, and even more so, to build up the courage to accept that they exist and to face them.

I know how uncomfortable it can be to even think about talking to your friends about it. This is why I am here. I will talk to you about how you can solve these problems so that you don’t have to talk to anybody else about it.

In this ProSolution Plus review, I will share with you everything I know through my research about this male enhancement pill, and tell you about how this pill set me off on my journey to high levels of sexual satisfaction, improved sexual health, increased sexual activity, boosted up the sex life, and, by extension, a happy life.

About ProSolution Plus

Prosolution plus tablets box
Prosolution Plus

On average, about one in three men suffer from premature ejaculation problems in bed. That’s a lot of men suffering from sexual dysfunction, and an equal number of partners left unsatisfied in bed. What causes such sexual dysfunction? Well, there is no singular cause behind such problems – it can be due to a vast range of different mental and physical (bodily) conditions.

This means that there is a need for a solution that deals with all (or most) of the common causes that lead to problems with your sexual health and performance.

This is where ProSolution Plus comes in – a widely renowned male enhancement supplement known for its effectiveness in treating such problems.

The best part? This male enhancement pill uses all-natural ingredients! It uses a mix of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that have mountains of clinical evidence supporting it as a promising way to reduce premature ejaculation problems and other issues with sexual performance.

ProSolution Plus is a brand of a company called Leading Edge Health – the same company makes volume pills like VigFX, and Vigrx plus – This means that you can be sure that this pill is made by capable minds who know the science behind what they produce.

How does ProSolution Plus work?

For those of you who want to know how ProSolution Plus pills do their magic, here is an overly simplified explanation. To treat problems like premature ejaculation, weak and brief erections, and low libido, ProSolution Plus uses ingredients that increase the supply of a compound called nitric oxide in the body.

This compound is responsible for fixing problems like low blood flow to the penis by dilating the arteries inside it and boosting the blood supply. Other ingredients in the blend of these pills help users last in bed longer and have more satisfying ejaculations.

Furthermore, the unique mix of herbal ingredients in these male enhancement pills is proven to improve sexual function in men by reducing their anxiety and stress as well.

As we mentioned earlier, erectile dysfunction and other forms of sexual dysfunction are caused by a mix of both mental and physical factors. By reducing their users’ anxiety levels, this pill addresses the mental aspect of these issues.

ProSolution Plus Review – from my own experience

The reasons I started researching male enhancement pills are probably the same ones that led you to this ProSolution Plus review. A year ago, I began noticing that, no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn’t perform well in bed. Not just that, I was performing really, really badly.

For example, I couldn’t maintain my erections for long; my sex drive had taken a dump, I couldn’t satisfy my wife in bed, and, worst of all, I suffered through something that most men fear the most – finishing too soon (aka premature ejaculation).

That’s right! I even remember the first time it happened to me in bed. I remember it too well. My face was red with the sheer embarrassment I felt, me stealing a glance at my wife to see how disappointed she was, me knowing that she was putting up a comforting face for me and acting like it was okay so that I wouldn’t feel embarrassed. It was just the worst thing ever.

I didn’t have sex for two weeks straight after that. My confidence in my sexual performance had never taken such a hit. But the worst was yet to come.

After a couple of more days, the event had faded from my memory enough for me to muster up the courage to try my luck in bed again. Guess what? It happened again!

At that moment, I had no clue how I was ever going to claw my way back to confidence ever again. I felt ashamed, angry, confused, sad, and helpless all at the same time, but the good thing was that these emotions were accompanied by the determination to fix this issue. So, I decided to use whatever resources were around me to find a solution to this problem.

Now, my first intuition was to talk to a friend, but my insecurities didn’t allow it. Besides, it’s too uncomfortable a conversation even when one isn’t gripped like this by insecurities like this. So, of course, my next thought was to consult a doctor, but I didn’t want to do that either – I just felt uncomfortable talking to another human about this issue altogether. So, I did what most people do in such situations.

I turned to my old pal Google. After days of thorough research, I came across the answer to all of my problems, ProSolution Plus. At that time, I didn’t know it was going to work the way it did for me. If I did, I would’ve ordered it the second I read about it.

After reading dozens of review articles about ProSolution Plus and going on the manufacturer’s website to see if the brand was legit, I decided that this product was worth looking into. So, I closed all of my other google tabs and searched solely about ProSolution Plus.

The pills looked promising; many people had attested their effectiveness in treating premature ejaculation problems, treating sexual dysfunction, improving sexual satisfaction, raising sexual desire, boosting sexual performance, and skyrocketing sexual health and sexual function in men to ensure that they led a happy sex life.

ProSolution Plus just seemed too good to be true. So, I searched for anything that would tell me about its side effects or give me any anecdotal evidence of the harm it may have caused to its users. Nothing. I found nothing. This natural supplement had no ingredients that could cause any alarming side effects on its users.

So, I placed my order, took the pills in the appropriate dosage, and witnessed my sex life thrive in the weeks that came. I went straight from a C – to a solid A+ in bed. My premature ejaculation problems were gone, my erection quality and duration improved, my libido powered up, and my overall sexual function was restored. ProSolution Plus was everything I was promised and more.

Benefits of using ProSolution Plus

To be crystal clear, here are the exact benefits you’ll get from using ProSolution Plus

  • This pill helps treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
  • Improves your erection quality – making them stronger and long-lasting
  • improves your overall sexual function
  • ramps up your libido
  • boosts your confidence in bed
  • smacks away performance anxiety

What ingredients are used in ProSolution Plus?

Tribulus Terrestris

Improving the health of your body overall can help you control premature ejaculation problems. This is exactly why this natural ingredient is added to the mix of ProSolution Plus. Tribulus Terrestris improves your body’s health by taming the cholesterol and blood sugar levels in your body. This indirectly results in improved testosterone levels in your body and, ultimately, an improved libido.

Withania Somnifera

Withania Somnifera (AKA the Indian Ginseng or the poison gooseberry) is a natural ingredient that improves the levels of nitric oxide in your body. This improves blood flow to your penis and gives you stronger and long-lasting erections.

Asparagus Adscendens

Asparagus Adscendens, Mostly found in Pakistan, this natural herb uses its vitamin C – rich composition to help power up your libido and sperm count while also improving your overall sexual health to resolve premature ejaculation issues.

Mucuna Pruriens

ProSolution Plus pills use this ingredient because it contains an amino acid called Levodopa which enables neurotrophic levels in your brain – essentially, this means that your brain will become better at sending signals to other parts of your body – especially to your penis.

Asteracantha Longifolia

Asteracantha Longifolia iron-rich herb to ramp up the hemoglobin levels in your body. This improves the overall health of your body and effectively improves the quality of your erections, leaving very little chance that problems like premature ejaculation will remain.

Studies have also gathered a lot of evidence to show that this ingredient is also involved in improving the quantity and quality of your sperm — no wonder they use this in the blend of ProSolution Plus.

Curculigo Orchids

This ingredient is an essential part of the ProSolution Plus formula. Basically, this natural ingredient works by increasing the testosterone levels inside your body. This powers up your libido / sex drive, makes your erections stronger and long-lasting, helps fight erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation problems, and generally keeps your body nice and healthy.


Finally, Asphaltum is added to the all-natural blend of ProSolution Plus – an ingredient that works with everything else I’ve mentioned above to improve your sex life by supplying your body with the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it needs to carry out its sexual function properly. This ultimately ramps up your sexual desire, improves your sexual health, and ultimately leads to healthier sex life.

Asphaltum is basically your one-way ticket out of the territory of problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low blood flow to the penis, a dulled-down libido, and more.

ProSolution Plus Pills Pros and cons

Now that you have an in-depth understanding of what ProSolution Plus pills are, how they work, what benefits they bring, and what ingredients are used in them, let’s boil our discussion down to concrete bullet points and weigh the pros and cons of using this pill.

Pros of using ProSolution Plus

  • Ramps up your libido
  • Improves your sexual performance
  • It helps control premature ejaculation.
  • Improves erection quality
  • This leads to more satisfying orgasms.
  • Approved and endorsed by doctors
  • This is an all-natural formula.
  • Improves sexual satisfaction and sexual health
  • A lot of experimental data backs up the effectiveness of this male enhancement supplement in improving men’s sexual health and controlling premature ejaculation problems.
  • Improved sexual performance leads to more sexual activity
  • This male enhancement pill comes with no side effects.
  • Improves blood flow to the penis.

Cons of using ProSolution Plus

  • This male enhancement supplement can take up to 6 weeks before it shows noticeable results.

Alternatives to ProSolution Plus

To save you time, here is a list of some other really popular premature ejaculation brands that I came across during my research.

Max PerformerUKVisit now
Male extraEnglandVisit now
PrematureXUSAVisit now

Max Performer

Max Performer
Max Performer

Max Performer claims to help men with premature ejaculation. The makers of Max Performer claim that the pill helps men last longer in bed, and that it is safe and effective. There are no known side effects of Max Performer, but users should always consult with a doctor before taking the pill.

View Max Performer now


Male extra for treating premature ejaculation
Male Extra

Male Extra delay the orgasm and allow for a more pleasurable experience. It contains L-Methionine amino acid that will lower the histamine levels on the body which will you to last longer in bed. It made with 100% ingredients with no side effects.

View Male Extra now


Prematurex is a pill that premature ejaculation sufferers take in order to delay their ejaculation. It is a prescription medication that can be bought over the counter. Prematurex works by preventing the onset of orgasm, which can slow down the time it takes for a man
to ejaculate

Real Online Reviews

The product helps me at age 61, I experience morning wood each time I consume prosolution which indicates that the ingredients is a good blend. I would advise to add it with your multivitamin mix on a daily regime and continue to take notes for any increase of erection strength.. Give it a try!!!

Big Papa

This product will make you feel like you’re 18 again. I’m 42 and had to take high blood pressure medicine that killed my sex drive these vitamins help it bring it back to life.


Love this product I’m 31 and my sex drive is like never before while taking these. I like to use these in conjunction with Volume Pills. I feel like a porn star I can ejaculate for days and always ready to have sex.


Prosolution Plus FAQs

Conclusion: ProSolution Plus Pills Review

That’s it, folks. This is everything you need to know about the male enhancement pills brand that I trust the most, ProSolution Plus. If you want, you can search more about what other options you have, but I’m telling you, you’ll circle your way back to these pills.

Photo of author

About the Author

Hunter Handsfield

A health advisor and sexual health therapist & researcher from South Dakota, USA

For Men

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Want to stop premature ejaculation and get longer erection?

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