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If You Have ED Can You Still Get Hard?

Hello my friend, I know you are obviously worried about your ed problem and wondering if you have ed can you still get hard?

If this is your question, and you need a right answer, then you should read this article. Most men in the world have erectile dysfunction like you, so don’t get worried, and it can be treated.

If you have ed can you still get hard?

To be honest, you cannot get hard when you are affected by erectile dysfunction; however in general most men with ed still have erections and experience hard erections when taking appropriate medications like Erectin and Viasil.

But these are solutions are temporary, and you must take ed pills each time to get hard.

If you want permanent solutions, then you must go with doctor-recommended treatment options like taking medicines or doing surgery by placing penile implants.

Generally, the cost of the ed surgery differs from doctor to doctor, according to Austin Neurology Institute. The normal cost of this penile implants surgery is $12,000 to $19,000 depending upon the surgeon.

If you have money to do surgery is up to you, and for people who don’t have this much money, they can try the below things to improve erectile function.

Simple trick to cure ed

  • Avoid caffeine at night
  • Avoid eating fast food
  • Regular exercise and drink plenty of water
  • Practice relaxation technique before bedtime
  • Get enough sleep.

Who should have Penile implants surgery?

Before you undergo penile implant surgery you must know that your ed is permanent or temporary one.

Men with temporary ed dysfunction should avoid this surgery and I get this particular question from my readers which is how long does temporary erectile dysfunction last?

The temporary Erectile dysfunction problem will last for around 5 – 6 months, and it cures automatically. However, if the condition continues, then you must visit a doctor and tell about your problem.

Men with serious erectile dysfunction problems can take the penile implants’ surgery, and it will fix your problem.

Penile implants surgery got a high success rate, so most men with erectile dysfunction prefer this method.

Why can I not get and keep an erection?

Well, there can be a lot of reasons behind this problem. It may be due to your lifestyle, food habit, smoking, alcohol, etc.

And there are even other things that cause erection problems. Here are the common causes of erectile dysfunction.

  • Diabetes mellitus type 2
  • Low testosterone level
  • smoking cigarettes
  • Obesity
  • Excessive drinking
  • No exercise

If you’re experiencing difficulties achieving erection then you should consult a doctor.

Now coming to your question “if I have erectile dysfunction can I still get hard?”

Yes, with supplements you can get hard and enjoy your sex life.

Best ED Supplement

If you want to take a supplement, then I recommend taking Erectin ed supplement.

Why Erectin?


Erectin is the effective ED supplement to treat and get stronger erections. It is a good and non-prescription supplement made by a company that makes Vigrx Plus.

Erectin is recommended by Dr. Dave David, a world renowned surgeon who appeared on many news channels like CNN, and the Fox News channels.

The supplement helped men over 50+ to get harder erection, and it is clinically tested and proven and comes with a 67-day money-back guarantee.

Made with 100% the safest natural ingredients in the form of gel capsules to dissolve within seconds.

I recommend taking a look by visiting Erectin.com or go with Viagra or cialis, but I don’t advise my readers to use it. They have huge side effects on your body.

If you have ed can you still get hard: Conclusion

By reading this article you already know the answer to this question.

If you’re in the 20 – 30s and have ed means it can be treated by taking medicines, or you can follow my natural way to curing ed which I’ve said in this article too.

If you’re in the mid 40-60s, you can also cure ed by taking supplements like Erectin. But it will take time like 5-6 weeks to get harder erections.

If you’re 60+ then I recommend you to talk with your doctor and undergo penile implant surgery.

Finally, if you have ed can you still get hard? The answer is yes by using ed supplement.

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About the Author

Hunter Handsfield

A health advisor and sexual health therapist & researcher from South Dakota, USA

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